Every single one of your body’s cells is attacked 10,000 times a day by toxins and pollutants running rampant in our environment.
Air pollution enters your lungs and goes straight to your bloodstream.
Manufactured foods are filled with chemicals, some you can’t even pronounce. You probably couldn’t avoid them all even if you tried.
Beef and other meats like pork and poultry are often filled with antibiotics or hormones that help the animals grow bigger faster. And seafood can flood your system with toxic levels of mercury, heavy metals, or PCBs.
Even vegetables and fruits are usually sprayed with pesticides and other anti-mildew agents. Organic versions can also have “natural” pesticides that could be toxic to cells.
And let’s not forget that prescription drugs contain chemicals that might have dozens of negative effects on cellular health. Even drinking water can be filled with chemicals.
Add in the fact that daily stress, lack of exercise, or even a lack of sunlight can generate an assault force of free radicals.
This toxic assault on the body could have a devastating effect on both your health and longevity. Your liver, kidneys, and other organs can become clogged with toxic junk stemming from our modern “convenient” lifestyle.
So what’s the solution?
Glutathione, a naturally occuring antioxidant produced by humans, acts like a powerwasher for your cells.
It flushes the toxins from your organs and tissues and is considered to be the most profoundly powerful detoxifier on Earth.
It’s 5,000 times more powerful than any other antioxidant known to science.
In fact, a University of Michigan study found this powerful molecule is responsible for at least 24% of your good health as you age.
Shockingly, an estimated 86% of Americans suffer unknowingly from a glutathione deficiency.
You encounter over 500 chemicals and toxins every day. You’ve probably got more than 200 toxins in your body right now. Glutathione actually grabs these toxins and helps your body dispose of the harmful waste.
Even more remarkable, glutathione is what’s known as an “intracellular detoxifier”. In other words, it cleans up and rejuvenates your body on a cellular level.
When most people think of a detoxifier, they might think of a colon cleanse or something similar. Glutathione goes well beyond that.
When a toxin-triggered free radical encounters glutathione, the two form a magnetic bond together. And as a result, the free radical is rendered instantly harmless.
Next, your body simply flushes away the toxin. And in the end, your liver, kidneys, organs, and entire body breathe a giant sigh of relief together.
What exactly is Glutathione and how does it work?
Glutathione is a naturally occurring protein in the body that supports the protection of cells, tissues and organs from premature aging and illness.
It supports a healthy immune system, cellular energy production, and detoxification of the blood stream…all good things, would you agree?
Also known as the master antioxidant, glutathione assists the proper functioning of every single cell in your body, helping it to regain its ability to heal itself.
What is the problem with Glutathione?
The problem with glutathione today is the fact it is being depleted from our bodies on a daily basis. And this depletion is further speeded up in people who are exposed to oxidative stressors such as:
- Smoking
- Pollution
- Dietary deficiency
- Pharmaceuticals
- Radiation
- Bacterial and viral infections
- Alcohol consumption
The body is made up of over 100 trillion cells. In fact, your eyes, nose, skin, heart, liver, fingernails, and other body parts are all made up of cells.
As you are reading this, approximately 3.3 million cells die every second, while 3.3 million cells are replicated. To put it simply, you are either replicating healthy cells or unhealthy cells.
Therefore, you could be either speeding the aging process or delaying the aging process. Which do you choose?
In fact, after age 25, your glutathione production plummets at a rate of 1% EVERY year.
Scientists believe it is this constant assault of free radicals and falling glutathione levels that are the primary triggers for illness and decline of healthy body function as you age.
Why not just take a Glutathione supplement?
If only it could be that easy, right?
Do a Google search on “glutathione” and you will find dozens of brands of various supplements on the market. However, they all share one serious problem.
You could swallow ordinary glutathione supplements by the handful…with almost ZERO benefits.
Because glutathione is a very small protein molecule that is easily digested by the stomach and broken down by acids.
Any glutathione that does manage to survive your stomach acid is almost completely lost later in the digestive tract. Not very helpful, right?
There is, however, a breakthrough new product you need to know about.
CELLUVie® from CTFO acts as a precursor, a chemical reaction that produces another compound, supporting the increase of intracellular glutathione which helps:
- Regulate the immune system
- Protect against radiation
- Act as a primary antioxidant
- Detoxify cells
The scientific team backed by 20 years of knowledge developed a unique proprietary process that helps delay the aging process, increase youthful energy, and delay skin aging from the inside.
Their proprietary process enhances the balance of specific peptides formulated with the important role of protecting cells, tissues, and organs from premature aging.
You can order CELLUVie now at: https://jameskkim.myctfo.com/vie.html
(Every product is backed by a 60-day “empty bottle” money-back guarantee so there’s no risk in trying.)
For more information on glutathione and CELLUVie, watch this brief 3 and a half minute video from David D’Arcangelo, Global Marketing Director with CTFO:
Not all glutathione supplements on the market are alike. Your stomach acid renders many of them useless.
Only CELLUVie from CTFO acts as a precursor, which is a chemical reaction that produces another compound. This supports the increase of intracellular glutathione, helping regulate the immune system while protecting against radiation but detoxifying your cells.
The proprietary process of CELLUVie enhances the balance of specific peptides formulated with the important role of protecting cells, tissues, and organs from premature aging.
Order CELLUVie from CTFO online now.
Remember, every product from CTFO is backed with a 60-day “empty bottle” money back guarantee, so there’s no risk in trying it out for yourself.
NOTE: I am a CTFO independent distributor (and CELLUVie user) but not a medical professional. I am not giving any medical advice, only sharing information regarding glutathione and how it is used in the body. Before taking any supplements or starting a health program, always seek the advice of a medical physician.
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at JamesKKimMarketing.com.
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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