DISCLAIMER: I’m not a medical doctor, just someone who researches important things related to health and business. Then I share the information to help others learn it to help them overcome a challenge in life. It is my intention for you to find this information useful in helping you make the right decision regarding your own physical health.
Let’s face it most of us really, really, REALLY love at least one type of food or drink that has the same effect of a stimulant, or something that elevates your mood.
And the whole “wanting to recapture that feeling over and over again”…that’s what eventually becomes a food addiction.
Here are just a handful of consumable products that you might develop a food addiction to:
- Energy drinks
- Cola and soft drinks
- Coffee
- Tea
- Alcohol
I trust that we all can agree that consuming too much of these and other types of foods (such as bread, cheese, ice cream, candy, fried foods, meat, etc.) can severely harm our bodies.
And yet…we still find a lot of this stuff so dang hard to resist!
Craving Stimulant Foods…it’s in our blood!
The need to consume certain types of foods that act as a stimulant is actually a simple human weakness that has been around as long as humans have existed.
That’s because all humans and even certain animals have always gotten their munch on with foods that result in a emotional high.
Allow me to get clinical for a minute.
Here are just some of the effects of consuming a stimulant food:
- Increased heart rate
- Perspiration (meat sweats, anyone?)
- Dilation or constriction of the pupils
- Warm flushing of the face
- An enhanced sense of greater sensitivity, concentration, and perception
Obviously, these and other sensations hit their peak as soon as you’re taking your first spoonful of that bacon mac n’ cheese with barbecue chicken, then eventually die down within a few hours, leaving you feeling low and somewhat listless.
This makes sense, since you were previously consuming something that stimulated you and raised your vibration, however briefly.
And guess where this all leads to?
That’s right…you begin craving that particular stimulant food yet again so you can feel those sensations all over again.
All this up and down roller coaster ride of nerve stimulation and depletion eventually leads to a definite constant pattern which ultimately manifests into a full-blown food addiction that’s hard to break (but entirely possible).
Side Effects of Food Addiction
Here are just a few of the effects of consuming too much of a certain food:
- Alcohol: Erosion of stomach and intestinal lining, liver damage, nutritional deficiency, mental impairment.
- Soft drinks: High doses of caffeine and sugar can lead to sleeplessness, weight gain, increased risk of heart disease.
- Mixed drug reactions: If you take meds for heart conditions, high blood pressure, or asthma then take extreme caution when consuming a stimulant food, as a combination of the two could pose a serious health risk.
A Solution to Food Addiction
After years of experience, all primary care physicians will tell you how difficult it is to break the food addictions of their patients.
And as a compromise, the phrase “everything in moderation” is usually tossed around, and rightly so.
We all can agree that too much of anything can be harmful.
But what if you were to simply substitute a better and healthier new thing for the original version?
One type of food that has been shown to be a better substitute for quite a few things people might be addicted to is coconut oil.
KetoCreamer has coconut oil and is a new type of creamer you can add to your morning cup of coffee or tea that replaces your old creamer with something much better for you.
As a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), it’s more easily digested by the body while providing more energy (i.e. fat burning) and also decreases your cravings for foods you might’ve been addicted to before.
You can grab a free sample of KetoCreamer here (just pay a small shipping & handling fee).
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at JamesKKimMarketing.com.
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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