Sales Training


When you try something new and outside of your comfort zone, such as a new business venture or hobby, then you are guaranteed at least one (or all) of three things will happen. They are: Success Failure Knowledge If you succeed at opening a thriving business and achieve your goals, then you can consider that […]

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Your Health

My experience with LASIK

— It’s been a little over a week since my LASIK surgery, annnnnnd…I feel great. No problems, no issues. 20/20. (Hmmm…ever wonder why they call it 20/20? ) The entire healing process takes about 6 full months or more before it levels out, so I will give you an update then, which will be in […]

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Your Health

You can never hustle too hard.

In case you are a fan of amateur roller hockey (and who isn’t), here are some photos from my team, the Tornadoes, in the Eastern Massachusetts Roller Hockey League (EMRHL) championship held yesterday at Hockey Town in Saugus, Massachusetts.  If you weren’t one of the dozen in attendance (including the rink employees, a bored infant, […]

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Problem solver
Your Health

Natural Problem Solvers

Retired General Stanley McChrystal was recently on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart to talk about the U.S. military and to promote his new memoir My Share of the Task. One line struck with me from the segment. General McChrystal said that American soldiers are by nature, first and foremost “problem solvers” and they “want […]

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