What is Affiliate Marketing?
In a nutshell, affiliate marketing (sometimes also referred to as “performance-based marketing”) is an online referral system that pays a sales commission to you for helping promote and sell more products of another website.
In other words, you place a link on your site, social media post, email newsletter, or blog post article that a customer can click on to get to another site you are promoting.
When a customer clicks on the link, they are taken to the originating site.
The affiliate program automatically tracks the referrals, sales, and commissions earned.
All you need to do is post up links and drive content with your own online content people are already searching for.

Sounds like a simple side hustle you can do part-time from a smartphone to make some additional income to supplement your main get-money hustle without trading in your time and energy at a part-time J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)…would you agree?
How does Affiliate Marketing pay?
There are different ways to define a transaction: pay-per- click or pay-per-action.
Pay-per-click pays a commission based on the number of times a customer clicks on the ad link, regardless of whether a sale is made or not.
With pay-per-action, the qualifying transaction on which the commission is paid must be defined.
It could be a closed sale, a request for information, a new customer, and so on.
An affiliate arrangement should be viewed for exactly what it is: a partnership.
You are allowing others to place ads on your site and on your social media content, and in return, your ads will appear on other websites.
But you don’t want to place your link just anywhere.
Affiliate marketing has some basic principles to keep in mind if you want to generate as much money as possible.

2 Basic Principles of Affiliate Marketing (everyone should know!)
First, you need to find the right partners.
If you sell health and wellness supplements, you would not want links on your site and social media posts that promote junk food and poor health choices.
Second, if you need to establish a true link campaign strategy. You must understand the market you intend to reach and then do the research to find out how your intended market shops the Internet.
There are millions of ads placed on the wrong sites; as a result, the customers fail to click through and income is never generated.
If you think about it, affiliate marketing is basically copy and posting up a link onto your social media once and getting paid over and over for it (even when you are sleeping or away on vacation).
Sounds like a decent way to make some bonus cash in these challenging but opportunity-filled times we are living in, would you agree?
For an added visual explanation on how affiliate marketing works, check out this handy infographic:
This Infographic – Affiliate Marketing 101: The Complete Guide – Was Created By Bloggingscout.com
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at JamesKKimMarketing.com.
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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