“Simulation theory” is an interesting concept to think about once you fully understand how it works.
It’s so interesting, in fact, that if applied to your own life and business, it could be “game changing”!
(Sorry, but who can resist a good “simulation theory” joke, am I right?)
What is “simulation theory”?
It is a theoretical concept that our reality as we know it is actually a computer-generated program (i.e. a video game).
We are simply character avatars in the simulated reality video game being controlled by “gamers” in another dimension of reality higher than ours (possibly ourselves but in a much higher energetic frequency in vibration).
I’ll do my best to explain further using the video game metaphor since most people probably played video games or are at least are familiar with them.
Imagine if you were living in a video game that looks like your life.
As far as you know, the world you are experiencing is reality.
And the actions you are doing are what you believe to be from your own doing.
But what if you became self aware within the game…and realized you are in a video game?
A video game that is a highly realistic simulated version of “reality” created by a programmer and written with special computer code to make everything seem like it’s truly there and happening as base reality when in fact…it’s just a simulation you are experiencing as a character playing the game.
Are you still with me?
Great, then perhaps the opinions of these leading scientific experts chiming in on the subject of “simulation theory” might help you formulate your own thoughts on it:
Elon Musk’s opinion on if our reality is a simulation
Every search for “simulation theory” should start with the explanation given by Elon Musk, the multibillionaire entrepreneur and scientific expert at a computer programming conference a few years ago:
George Smoot’s TEDx talk about our simulated reality
Here is a very interesting TED talk by George Smoot, an astrophysicist ad Nobel Prize winner (so you know this is scientifically legit):
What would a philosopher think about the simulation?
Suppose you’re the type of person who is super skeptical of basically anything you hear about online or from non-mainstream sources and you still actually believe that “simulation theory” is just a load of bullflop (pardon my French!).
Well, then perhaps hearing a philosopher’s take on “simulation theory” might change your tune.
Here is a leading subject matter expert and philosopher Nick Bostrom‘s take on “simulation theory”:
BONUS: “Simulation Theory” by the rock band Muse
No discussion about “simulation theory” is complete without mentioning the awesome album of the same name by the band Muse.
Check out this video from the album’s opener starring Terry Crews:
Obviously, we are all entitled to our own opinion.
But the scientific arguments in support of “simulation theory” make it challenging to come up with a counter argument that makes as much sense.
If the experts are correct about all this simply being a simulated reality video game and each of us are merely computer-programmed avatars playing it…then wouldn’t it make sense to play the Game to advance to the next level and continue playing until the final objective is unlocked and you are declared the “Winner” of this simulated reality video game played by ourselves in a higher dimension?
How do you feel about “simulation theory”?
Leave your thoughts as a comment below and join the worldwide discussion on this interesting topic!
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at JamesKKimMarketing.com.
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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