Let’s face it…we are living in challenging times these days, would you agree?
The notion of earning a living with a single job you have until retirement and then having plenty of money to support you and your loved ones well into your golden years is just a pipe dream. The system has failed us all and we’ve been sold a bill of goods.
But here’s the good news…every obstacle reveals a hidden opportunity.
And that opportunity is starting your own part-time home-based business.
Instead of simply living with the consequences of failure and regret, why not choose to move forward and soldier on with courage and an undying willingness to change your situation for the better with positive actions you put into motion now.
The door has always been unlocked. But few are willing to merely try turning the knob.
Instead, they seek “comfort” in what they “know”, and do not take a chance in even going a single inch beyond the realm of their own self-made boundaries.
And that’s OK.
Because that just leaves more opportunities for the rest of us who say “Enough is enough, it’s time for a change.” The brave ones willing to stand up and change our current actions to change our future outcomes.
Are you one of these people? You probably wouldn’t even be reading this far if you didn’t feel deep down inside you are due for something even greater in this life.
It’s no accident you are seeing this now.
If you are sick and tired of having a “victim mentality” to a system purposefully designed to keep you down and imprisoned with debt and no means of advancement, then I have the simple solution for you.
It’s simple because it’s a concept that makes a lot of sense when explained in plain English, which I will do in this article. But it’s not “easy” because like the popular phrase states:
“Nothing easy is worthwhile, and nothing worthwhile is easy.”
Get ready to start your new journey and put forth maximum effort into building your new future for you, your loved ones, and your community now.
Keep reading, we’re just getting to the good stuff…
What Is a Part-Time Home-Based Business?
Simply put, a part-time home-based business is an activity you do just a few hours per week to generate another income stream in addition to what you are already doing to earn a living.
In other words, you are not quitting your day job. At least…not yet.
And contrary to popular belief, having your own part-time home-based business does NOT involve huge capital expenses like leasing commercial real estate property, purchasing expensive equipment, getting liability insurance, paying employee wages, etc.
In fact, you don’t even need your own product or service to have a business.
A popular home-based business concept is affiliate marketing. This is where you simply promote other people’s products and services online and collect a commission (a percentage of the sale price) when a purchase is made due to your online marketing efforts.
Next you are probably wondering why. Why bother even starting your own part-time home-based business and what benefits (besides additional income) does it offer?
Keep reading to find out…
10 Reason Why Everyone Should Have a Part-Time Home-Based Business
1. Receive tax benefits
If you are just a regular employee of a company, then it might surprise you that your top expense is actually taxes.
We can all agree that tax evasion is 100% illegal. However, tax avoidance is not. In fact, it’s your right.
That’s because as an employee, you get taxed on your paycheck before you even have a chance to cash it.
However, as a part-time home-based business owner, you are entitled to whatever earnings you make and then get taxed on what’s remaining. Partner with a knowledgeable and experienced Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and you will actually pay $0 in taxes.
Sounds like a good deal, right?
According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a part-time home-based business owner is entitled to the following tax writeoffs, which lower your tax burden and how much you pay the government:
- Homeowner’s insurance and association fees
- Cleaning services or cleaning supplies for your business space
- Mortgage insurance
- Utilities, including electricity, internet, HVAC, and cellphone
Without a part-time home-based business, all of these and many other expenses is simply money you are leaving on the table.
If you have an opportunity to make this money work for you, wouldn’t you take it? You can, when you start your part-time home-based business.
2. Diversify your income
You’d probably agree that it’s not a smart idea to put all your eggs into one financial basket.
As we all know, jobs are temporary, especially in this era of automation, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), company downsizing, and outsourcing. Experts predict that by the year 2030, over 20 MILLION jobs will be replaced by robots.
A majority of people will work their job until they are forced to retire, and will likely still need to work after retirement in order to survive, possibly in low-wage retail or food service positions (provided these jobs even exist in the future).
Just think of the faces you see working at your local big box retailer or grocery store. Getting the clear picture now?
And of course Social Security is not nearly enough to survive on, and it’s mathematically impossible to “save” your way to wealth. So what’s the alternative?
If you are working a job now, it’s time to rethink it solely as a means of getting paid to learn (similar to a paid internship).
You must stop looking at your job as your lifeblood savior. Instead, you should mentally quit it. Afterall, it likely will not be around for the long-term at the rate things are advancing now towards a fully automated future run by robots and computer systems.
Set aside a portion of your earnings into an investment fund for your home-based business and growth ideas. No one else has the power to decide your financial future but you.
3. Leverage the efforts of others, not just yourself
Oil billionaire J. Paul Getty said, “I would rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 people than 100% of my own.”
Having a part-time home-based business gives you an opportunity to be in business for yourself while at the same time working alongside others also building their own part-time home-based business.
As your part-time home-based business grows, your growing team (and the teams they build) will take over and sales and income will continue to grow, whether you actively show up or not.
Business will go on as usual, even if you are sleeping, away on vacation, or take time off for yourself.
Can you get this type of leveraged automated income generation from your regular 9-to-5 job, especially if you stopped showing up for a few weeks or even months? Probably not.
4. Improve your personal growth and development
As you focus your energy into building your part-time home-based business, you will be introduced to many new concepts and lessons to help you overcome common obstacles and challenges faced by every entrepreneur.
If you take your part-time home-based business seriously and treat it like a real enterprise, it will respond accordingly. Inversely, if you treat it like a casual hobby, it will net you casual, hobby-like results.
Many part-time home-based business owners invest in themselves and their business by reading personal growth and positive mindset training materials, attending conferences and seminars, and listening to inspiring and useful content, videos, podcasts, and presentations every chance they get (such as in the car or getting dressed in the morning).
As the old saying goes, “Where focus goes, energy flows.”
By conditioning your subconscious mind to break free from a scarcity mindset and adapting the mental programming used by other successful people, part-time home-based business owners will look at their venture as “personal development with a compensation plan”.
Some of the best subject matter experts every part-time home-based business owner should be following and listening to on a regular basis include:
Jim Rohn
Zig Ziglar
Les Brown
Brian Tracy
Tim Sales
Ray Higdon
Tom “Big Al” Schreiter
Eric Worre
5. Create both time and financial freedom
Most people are aware of what “financial freedom” entails, giving one the ability to live debt-free and able to afford pretty much anything you or your loved ones might need in life. However, the concept of “time freedom” is something that might escape some people.
For example, a wealthy doctor may enjoy financial freedom with the perks of a large weekly paycheck for their medical services rendered to patients. However, this same doctor may be working 80+ hour weeks and may never be able to actually enjoy the fruits of their labor due to having no free time whatsoever.
Having a part-time home-based business is an opportunity to create both time AND financial freedom due to the previously mentioned leveraged income component as well as the Internet allowing your business to be open 24/7 globally for customers and business partners to access anytime and anywhere.
Try creating time and financial freedom with a regular 9-to-5 job?
It’s likely not possible, even if you are in the high levels of upper management in the company. But it’s very much a possibility with your own part-time home-based business.
6. Help others overcome challenges with your products and services they are actively searching for every day
With your part-time home-based business, you will be offering valuable products and services to individuals who are seeking the right solutions to the everyday challenges they are facing.
You will be helping both people you know as well as many you don’t to improve important things in their lives, such as their health, their financial situation, or removing an obstacle standing in their way of a brighter future.
It is due to your courage and willingness to be useful and of service to others that will ultimately reward you tenfold.
Like the great Jim Rohn once said, “Giving starts the receiving process”.
7. Leave behind a willable legacy
Your part-time home-based business is 100% willable to your family. Imagine leaving your grandchildren and great grandchildren a valuable income-producing asset to help give them a tremendous head start and opportunity in their lives?
They will hang your picture on their wall for generations to come and speak of you as their hero, being proud to be a member of the family. Do you think a 9-to-5 job is willable and legacy-building?
If so, you are sorely mistaken. But having a part-time home-based business makes this dream a very possible reality, provided you listen to your teachers, do the work, and put forth real effort in sharing your message with as many people as possible.
8. Use your time in a more productive and healthy way
Instead of spending all your non-working waking hours playing video games, mindlessly scrolling through social media, and watching Netflix…imagine you are instead earning much-needed income and dramatically improving your life for you and your loved ones?
It’s possible when you have a part-time home-based business.
Now I’m not saying to completely ditch any of those distractions which make you happy and help you unwind. But I am saying that perhaps instead of spending a huge chunk of whatever free time you have on those things, you may try to chisel out just a few minutes a day on building your part-time home-based business and make some money while helping people.
Perhaps this means reaching out to a friend to catch up and then introduce them to what you’re working on.
Or maybe you can record a brief video testimonial on one of your products and show people how it works and how they can order it.
Or maybe you can post an informational meme on social media promoting your part-time home-based business.
You may even consider starting a blog and sharing your journey and interests with others searching for answers online.
Regardless of how you choose to build it, the important thing is you are using your time productively and with intention instead of squandering it doing something unproductive and costly.
9. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals focused on positive growth
Jim Rohn also said you are the average of the five people you hang out the most with. It’s also been said that your network determines your net worth.
While these words may trigger some and get them all defensive, I ask you to first pause and take a good long look at your current situation. Not for my benefit, but for yours.
If you already have all the money you will ever need and you are at the very peak of happiness, health, and physical/mental wellbeing…well by all means continue what you are doing and associating with who you see on the regular.
But if you find yourself yearning for a better life, a better situation, a better opportunity, and a way out of your current prison of depression, poor health, frustration, and negativity…then you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by starting your own part-time home-based business.
Because once you get in business, you will begin to communicate and meet both online and offline with other part-time home-based business owners all with similar goals and aspirations as yourself.
You will naturally begin aligning with other individuals who also share your growth mindset and are facing similar challenges and obstacles on their journey. You will be mentored by those seeking to teach and help while also being a mentor to others.
And in time, those who choose not to evolve, grow, and support you along your journey will fall by the wayside, to be replaced by others who do.
While it might sound harsh to say that certain friends (and even family) may no longer be in your close circle once you begin your part-time home-based journey, it is a reality you will likely face. Prepare for it.
The cold hard truth is that sometimes those closest to us are shocked when we attempt a positive transformation that disrupts the status quo, and their only response is to disengage so they can remain in their own self-made comfort zone.
Of course, it would be ideal to grow and be supported by those closest to you, but the reality is that some may become skeptical, jealous, and even resentful of your evolution of self. They wish they could do it themselves, but they can’t due to their own fear of failure. Don’t let that affect how you handle your business.
In time, these folks may come back around and rejoin your tribe.
But in the meantime, know that you are ultimately doing this to be of beneficial service to all. Those who truly support and care for your mission will meet you along the path.
10. Have fun and enjoy the adventure
If you feel like these past few years have held you down, stuck in a rut, and feeling bored and listless with what life is currently offering you, then having your own part-time home-based business will immediately snap you out of that and jumpstart you into an exciting future of unlimited possibilities.
You will be learning invaluable new business skills that are always in high demand, such as online marketing, consultative selling, content creation, and lead generation. You will learn how to set and achieve goals, optimize your time management, and strengthen your focus while leading others with your example and words.
And perhaps most importantly, you will learn to persevere in your journey, seeing obstacles as catalysts for growth and unlocking opportunities through revealed lessons. Sounds more fun than simply wondering how you can get ahead and stressing about paying bills and moving up the corporate ladder, would you agree?
By now, you’d probably agree that starting a part-time home-based business to earn an additional income stream on autopilot in addition to what you’re already doing to earn income is an absolute no-brainer.
When you take into consideration all the positive benefits and unlimited opportunities for positive, healthy growth, it actually will cost you more in the long run to not start a part-time home based business.
The Game has been rigged for centuries, and only those in the know have the right strategies to win. By working for yourself (but not by yourself) in your own part-time home-based business, you are focusing your energy on a higher target that brings better outcomes for you, your loved ones, and your community.
And that’s what you really want, isn’t it?
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at JamesKKimMarketing.com.
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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