Real Estate Advice

How to Select the Right Office Heating System For Your Company’s Budget

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The dilemma of how to choose the right office heating system is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

space heater office heating system

Ensuring that your office space is adequately heated to the right temperature is central to ensuring both the comfort and happiness of your employees and visitors, and also their productivity.

Businesses in Las Vegas are very busy, and so it is important that, as a business you have a reliable and controllable heating system, meaning that time isn’t wasted through the need to call out heating contractors in Las Vegas regularly, causing disruption to the working environment.

5 Types of Office Heating Systems

There are a number of different office heating systems available to you, each with their own merits, and it really depends on your specific wants and needs when it comes to choosing which one is the best for you.

Oil and Gas Steam

furnace office heating system

This is one of the most common systems, but is very inefficient.

This office heating system works by using the oil and gas to create steam which is condensed and then passed through a pipe system.

It can take a while to get going as the steam needs to be created before it starts to give out heat, but it works well, even if it can be a little costly in energy bills.

Gas and Oil Water

This office heating system works in a similar way to the steam system, although in this instance a boiler is used to heat water which is then passed through a system which uses radiators which are positioned around the building.

While it isn`t the most efficient method of heating a commercial space, it is more efficient than the steam method.


solar office heating system

A greener and more environmentally friendly and sustainable option is a commercial HVAC system which is powered by geothermal or solar power.

While this is less expensive to run, it is more expensive to install, and why it is more common in commercial office buildings than for private homes.

The good thing about having an HVAC system, especially if you are in Las Vegas is that it can also be used to cool your office in the summer.

Heat Pump

heat-pump office heating system

The heat pump is a very efficient way to heat your office space. It works by extracting the heat from the air, through the warming of special coils and then pumping it around the office.


furnace office heating system

Another common office heating method is with an HVAC furnace. It is efficient, but will need a large furnace and a duct system to be able to pass the heat around.

When it comes to choosing a heating system for your commercial space, all of these methods have their pros and cons.

Which one you choose depends greatly on what kind of space you have as well as how much money you have to spend.

In Las Vegas, it seems sensible to try to tie in your heating with your AC system.

A good heating repair company in Las Vegas should be able to deal with all of these heating systems so it is just a case of deciding which one best suits you and your business.

About the Author

Armondo Mollindeo is co-founder and CEO at Elite Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, which has been providing AC repairs and maintenance to Las Vegas residents since 2005.

We are a full service heating, cooling and plumbing company with an extensive list of satisfied customers. At Elite, we believe in earning our customers trust with quality work, excellent customer service, and professionalism.

With a commitment to delivering superior service, we offer our Las Vegas customers comprehensive heating, cooling, plumbing, and maintenance services to meet your home’s mechanical needs.

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