In a nutshell, a “psychic” is a person who can use their extra sensory perception to retrieve information they otherwise would not be able to know.
They just seem to “know” or “see” things either before they happen, while they are happening, or even when they occurred in the past.
Contrary to what many may think, psychic ability is not just limited to a select few number of individuals. It’s actually something ALL of us possess.
But like any other skill such as learning how to make cold calls for sales or how to blog, these things need to first be discovered in ourselves, then honed and sharpened until we can leverage them for the benefit of all humanity in the current Age of Aquarius.
Here are 7 ways you can unlock your psychic capabilities now to help you align with your highest and best timeline of reality faster:
Practice meditation
I’ve been an avid practitioner of meditation for years, and the main benefit you will get from finally quieting your mind is finally understanding you are not your thoughts and that thoughts simply exist. What we choose to do with these thought is on us.
So when you have a clear distinction between thoughts and that which know is truly you, then you can begin to access thoughts that exist in “the ether”, or “the field”, or collective consciousness.
Whatever you want to call it, this collection of thoughts are available like AM/FM radio signals with certain individuals being more able to pick up on these signals because they are dialed into the correct frequency.
However, the more into our own ego we are, the less of a clear signal you can receive.
That’s because the thoughts you pick up on your mind radio will tend to be more “personalized” by our personalities and colored through the lens of our own personal experiences, biases, knowledge, etc. There will be a lot of static and interference.
On the other hand, individuals with fully developed psychic powers are actually able to completely stop all the mind interference and static, allowing the messages from the field of thought as well as interdimensional entities like archangels, spirit guides, departed loved ones, and The One Infinite Creator.
If you wish to develop your own psychic powers and intuitive abilities, meditation is key to muting all the mental static and chatter, allowing clear messages to be picked up more easily.
Trust your intuition (e.g. your “gut instincts”)
There is a difference between trusting your gut instincts and following the herd. When you trust your gut and act instinctively, you are aligning with your true spirit in the path you follow.
When you follow the herd and play it “safe”…sometimes you get burned anyway and you realize you should’ve listed to yourself to begin with.
Chalk it up to life experience and another lesson learned. So why not cash in those lessons and apply that knowledge by developing and trusting your own intuition and instincts to master your psychic power to benefit all humanity with your gifts?
Flex your creative muscle
Think of creativity as a sort of wireless signal booster allowing you to pick up and discern messages for you in the field of collective consciousness.
Being creative and applying this ability into things like marketing your business online or creating useful and interesting blog posts will further help fine tune your ability to hear your guides, family, or your Higher Self summon you from a higher dimensional plane of existence and thoughts.
From your creative arena you will play the Game of life, focusing your energy into world-benefiting creations including useful innovations, inspirational speeches, fine works of art, delectable dishes of fantastic food delights, and…well, you get the idea.
Creativity will help you be open and ready to hear more useful and interesting messages and information for those with “eyes to see and ears to hear”. You can put this information to good use in service to all of humanity.
And that’s a good thing, would you agree?
Get educated about psychic powers from teachers
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And once you start learning how to develop your psychic powers, then just like any other type of skill, it must be further honed and perfected through more training, education, and practice.
There are many good online resources and teachers to help people further develop their psychic powers and intuitive abilities.
As with all things, be sure to trust your instincts and work with those who resonate with you in a positive vibrational frequency.
Part of the journey of mastery for many psychics is developing a keen sense of who to trust and those who are untrustworthy. Again, this lesson is learned from experience and actual effort.
The best teachers are those who don’t try to create clones of themselves, but rather can help the student navigate and better understand their own special gifts and psychic abilities to apply into works that benefit all of humanity.
Connect with your Higher Self
Think of your Higher Self as you but in a higher dimension, controlling you as a video game avatar character in this simulated reality video game called life.
Now imagine if you and the gamer were working together as a team to help you navigate your way through the trials and tribulations of the Game?
Your Higher Self is here to help and guide you.
Obviously you are the one doing the actual work, but your work can be made easier and less stressful when given the right tools and the right guidance, would you agree?
That’s why it’s important to write down the messages you feel you are receiving from your Higher Self.
Take note of things like synchronicities and repeating number sequences on things like clocks, license plates, and prices.
Your Higher Self and your spirit guides (think of them as your squad of interdimensional entities with a vested interest in helping you win as long as you put forth the effort) would freak you out if they straight up appeared and spoke to you.
That’s why they use things like repeating numbers (such as the always popular 11:11) to grab your attention and relay some useful and important information for your assistance and benefit.
Write down your dreams
When we are sleeping and enter the dream state, we actually enter a new plan of existence accessible only through the subconscious mind.
In the dream state your mind is in a more relaxed state allowing you to reflect, in real-time, using visual stories and interactions. If you keep a notebook near your bed and commit to writing down details of your dreams as soon as you wake up, the more clear your recall will become.
In your dreams, you may come in contact with your past and future selves, spirit guides, archangels, and even your Higher Self.
Master a certain level of proficiency during the dream state will allow you to navigate the collective subconscious mind known as the astral plane.
Unblock your chakras
According to the Chopra Center, the word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but actually references a spiritual energy center within the human body. There are seven along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head.
The seven chakras or energy centers of the body are constantly on and always receiving information. It is almost impossible to have any kind of psychic ability without stimulating and “opening” or “unblocking” the chakras first.
Some of us were born with naturally active chakras, giving us natural psychic abilities.
However, for the rest of us who weren’t, unblocking and opening the chakras can be like opening a psychic door to new dimensions of energy and information. It will also naturally increase awareness of any gift you may already possess…like your psychic powers!
We all have the opportunity and dare I say…responsibility (especially now in these “interesting” times) to awaken our psychic abilities now.
As we get older, these psychic skills will become more and more useful to us as our responsibilities to the world increases.
Follow these steps and you will improve your psychic abilities faithfully for the next 30 to 90 days and I guarantee you will notice a distinct uptick in your psychic powers.
Learn how to leverage your psychic power and they may even become useful to you in your daily life and for the benefit of all humanity.
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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