When I started this blog at the end of 2012, I had a vision of my words helping billions of people worldwide searching for solutions to their challenges online.
And while I’m still working to achieve that blogging goal in terms of Web traffic and reach, I still believe that everyone with an email address should have a blog.
There are over 600 million other bloggers worldwide who are leveraging social media and a blog to build a part-time online business you can run from a smartphone.
You can financially benefit from various paid affiliate links and ads in your blog to generate more clicks leading to more qualified leads that generate more sales resulting in commissions paid out to you for promoting a certain product or service online.
Here are 5 reasons why you should run a part-time online business with a blog:
1. Generate More Qualified Leads on Autopilot
When you have a blog, people will inevitably find it when they do a Web search on a topic that you (or a guest writer) wrote a blog post article about.
For example, since I previously worked in inside sales for various small to medium sized organizations, I had shared a lot of what I was learning from various sales trainings I went through, from cold calling to networking at business mixer events to grow your referral network.
So the people who are stumbling across your blog everyday are not the same people everyday. They are usually new people with new problems searching for new answers…which according to the search engines, is exactly what your blog provides.
And when people find the info they need on your blog, they may also click around on other articles as well as affiliate links, banner ads, your online CBD dispensary, and other income generators built into your blog to generate you more income from an article you posted once…but continues to generate more leads and ultimately more sales for you on autopilot online.
2. Earn More Income
When a traditional brick-and-mortar business invests money into advertising and a sales team, the qualified leads they receive from these efforts can be measured in a certain dollar amount spent to generate each one.
As you can imagine, depending on how much a company spends on sales training and marketing collateral, this can result in a very high cost per lead.
However, when you run a blog and you (or a guest blog post writer) create articles that generate hits in search engines leading to increased Web traffic to your blog resulting in more clicks on your affiliate links naturally followed by more qualified leads generating more sales on autopilot…that’s like manifesting money out of thin air!
This residual payment means you are getting paid over and over again for work (i.e. posting up a blog article with content people are searching for) you did once.
All without spending a dime on advertising or sales training for your sales staff (which you don’t have or even need with a blog, anyway!)
And this translates into very favorable profit margins which is always a good thing for any type of business, would you agree?
3. Enjoy Lower Costs and Less Risk
Instead of risking all your money gambling on things like venture capital fund raising or winning the Lottery, imagine instead focusing your time and energy into work you truly love to do.
And you can share these experiences and knowledge in a blog.
Imagine if you could help answer questions from people searching online for solutions that are your exact area of expertise and skillset?
Now imagine getting compensated for this valuable knowledge infinitely?
That’s exactly how a blog works…for YOU.
Have you started connecting all the pieces yet?
Good, because we have two more great reasons why running a blog is such an ideal side hustle to earn an additional income online simply sharing what you already know (or are learning currently) with billions of others online on their smartphones instantly.
4. Get Your Time Back (aka “Time Freedom”)
Since your blog is open 24/7/365 globally and your content is free for anyone searching online for answers to find it, then your affiliate links and online store built into your blog will also be getting clicks, generating more qualified leads, and selling more products on your behalf on autopilot around the clock (even when you are sleeping or away on vacation).
That frees you up to be doing more of what you’d rather be doing (such as coming up with more awesome blog content) with your free time.
Why trade in your time and energy for income (such as working a part-time job in retail or food service, two popular choices for people seeking part-time work to earn additional income)?
It just does not make sense when you have all the tools you need right now in the palm of your hand to start a blog and build your part-time online business to earn an additional income without trading in your time and energy at a part-time J.O.B. (Just Over Broke).
5. No More High Pressure Sales Prospecting Tactics That Don’t Work
Imagine if your business was actually fun again?
Well, if your business was your blog, then it will be.
That’s because your blog should be about a topic you are highly passionate about and enjoy sharing with others.
If not, then you simply won’t blog (because why would you spend your free time doing something you aren’t passionate about, right?)
As you create more blog content and share it on social media as well as your blog’s email newsletter (I recommend GetResponse), you will generate more Web traffic to your blog.
Ultimately this leads to more clicks on your affiliate links and online store generating more qualified leads resulting in more product sales and increased profits for you.
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Imagine reaping all those benefits simply by sharing what you know with others searching for answers online?
It’s possible…with your blog!
Ready to get started blogging as a part-time online business now?
James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online.
You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at JamesKKimMarketing.com.
In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking.
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